LCS APP Explained


Overview  Edit Command  Track Piece Dock  Operating Screen  Navigation  Pan & Zoom  Roster Screen WiFi Connection


We have created a LCS APP Help Manual in pdf form


LCS App on Grand Funk Railroad crop2
The LCS App in action

LCS App lets you create custom control panels to operate your locomotives and layout. It is a free application for the Apple iPad™ and can be download by following this link. The LCS App requires LCS WiFi to connect to your layout.

Using your Lionel command base and LCS WiFi, use it to run TMCC and LEGACY locomotives, operate wireless command-controlled switches and accessories. Use LCS App also works with the other LCS modules. For example, you’ll receive real-time location updates when compatible locomotives cross over LCS SensorTracks™.

To start using LCS App, you’ll create one or more Custom Control Panels representing your layout. Below is an overview of the Edit Screen.

EDIT Screen main callouts

Once you’ve created a custom control panel, you’ll run it using the LCS App’s Operating Screen:

OP Screen callouts
The LCS App main operating screen

If your layout is large, you can use Pan and Zoom within a single Custom Control Panel, or use multiple Custom Control Panels, each representing a different portion of your layout.

Pan Conceptual
Additional LCS modules are required to operate or track power blocks (BPC2) conventional lighting, operating switches and accessories (ASC2) and wired command accessories (SER2). Please refer to What do I need? and the Example System Diagram to identify the LCS products that best suit your layout and operating style.

The Engine Roster Screen (shown below) is automatically copied from your Legacy Base. The roster can include Legacy, Vision and older TMCC locomotives.

LCS App Screen Shot Roster 06-17-2013

LCS App Screen Shot Roster detail 06-17-2013

Click on a locomotive from the roster and edit road name, number, lighting options and more. You can attach your own photo to any engine in the roster.

Control Accessories
LCS App will run your accessories and includes special control panels for specific Lionel accessories, like the TMCC Gantry Crane shown below.

LCS App Gantry Crane 2

LCS App works with the Base-1L; a Legacy base adds additional features. It is also possible to use LCS App and LCS WiFi in a system without a Lionel command base. This would be appropriate for a layout that exclusively uses conventional locomotives, or one where a different locomotive control system is in use, such as DCC. In this “No Base” configuration, additional LCS modules would be required to operate all switches, lighting, track power blocks or other accessories.

LCS App User’s Guide

The EDIT Screen

Use the Edit Screen to create “Custom Control Panels” representing a part of your layout. When you've finished, switch to the OPERATING page to control elements like switches, power blocks and locomotives. A small layout may fit on one screen; medium and large layouts may require two or more screens. Additional empty screens are added automatically. You can pan and zoom the display, click here to learn how.

An empty screen or Custom Control Panel appears the first time you run the LCS app. To create or modify a Custom Control Panel, start by pressing the EDIT button:


The Edit screen appears. Elements of the Edit screen are shown below:
EDIT Screen main callouts

You are now editing the custom control panel. The Roster and Edit buttons change to Clear, Cancel and Save as shown below:

To keep the changes you made to your custom control panel, tap the SAVE button. Your changes will be stored and you’ll return to the OPERATING screen.

To discard the changes you made to your custom control panel, tap the CANCEL button. Your changes will be un-done and you’ll return to the OPERATING screen.

To delete the currently shown custom control panel and all its contents, tap the CLEAR button. A confirming message will be displayed. If you confirm, this custom control panel will be deleted and you’ll return to the OPERATING screen.

Naming your Custom Control Panel

Each custom control panel can have it’s own name, which defaults to “Your Road Name.” To change this, simply tap the name while in the EDIT page and enter a descriptive term, like “West Yard” or “Main-Line siding.”

Use the navigation column to the left, or click one of the help topics below to learn more about using LCS App to create custom control panels representing your layout.


Edit Screen Basics

This help section will teach you the basics of using the Edit Screen. You’ll learn to place, select, move, connect, rotate and delete straight and curved track pieces within a Custom Control Panel. LCS App is not intended to be a track planning tool. It’s not necessary (and in some cases not possible) to create an exact copy of your layout. Instead, create a basic representation of your entire layout, or alternately, individual sections, each on their own Custom Control Panel.

Note: To create a whole new blank Custom Control Panel, return to operating mode and swipe one finger from the center of the display from right-to-left. A new, blank Custom Control Panel is always available as the right-most “last” panel. Navigate to the blank last panel using Operating mode, then return to Edit mode.

Straights and Curves

There are two basic straight track sections, a full-length and a half-length piece. It’s OK to overlap track pieces, for example, to create a 45 or 90 degree crossover.

Straight_5_normal Straight_10_normal

There are two different radius curved pieces, a 45 degree curve and a 22.5 degree curve:
Curve_O36_normal Curve_O72_normal

Let’s add some track pieces. To begin, enter Edit Mode.

To Enter Edit Mode


  • Be sure you are in Operating, not Roster, mode. If you’re starting a brand new layout, your one-and-only empty custom control panel is in view. Otherwise, swipe left or right until the desired custom control panel is in view.
  • Tap the EDIT button, found on the upper-right portion of the Operating Screen display.


To add a track piece



  • Tap the orange “Track” button (shown above). It’s in the lower-right corner of the screen.
  • Touch and hold your finger down over a track piece, such as the full-length straight. The yellow dot indicates the first touch of your finger.
  • Now, taking care not to lift your finger from the screen, drag in the direction of the arrow as shown.

Edit main 1 straight dragged

  • Release your touch to drop the track piece.
  • Notice it has a blue highlight indicating it is selected. Selected pieces can be moved, rotated or deleted.
  • You may de-select a track piece by tapping an empty spot or selecting a different track piece.
  • Only one piece can be selected at a time.


To Select and Move a Track Piece


  • While in Edit mode, tap a track piece you’ve previously placed. It will turn blue, indicating it is selected.
  • Touch and drag the piece to a new location, releasing your finger when done.
  • Although not necessary, you can de-select the track piece by tapping a empty spot or another track piece. Only one piece can be selected at a time.


To Connect two Track Pieces


  • With the Track Pieces Dock still open, touch and drag a curved piece towards the straight piece as shown below:

Edit main 2 curve dragged

  • When the ends of the two pieces are very close to each other, the new piece will automatically snap into alignment with the first.
  • If you are satisfied with its position, release your finger. The new track piece will be aligned to the old as shown:

Ebasics 3- Curve snapped in place CU

Note: Sometimes a piece snaps to an un-intended orientation. If this happens, move it away, drop it and rotate it towards your desired orientation (described below). Then try snapping it into position again.

Track Piece Settings

When a track piece is selected, the Track Piece Setting window appears at the top of the screen, replacing the Custom Control Panel name. Depending on the type of piece currently selected, some of the Settings may be unavailable.

Track Piece Settings

Disabling Snap

You can disable the snapping behavior of track pieces by tapping the Snap button (shown below). Sometimes disabling Snap is helpful when you are trying to align pieces to better approximate the shape or angle of your physical layout, but the LCS App’s automatic snapping behavior is making it difficult to achieve your desired result.


When Snap is turned off, red and green alignment lines will extended from the currently selected track piece as a visual aid.

Snap OFF alignment lines

To Rotate a Track Piece


  • While in Edit mode, tap a track piece. It will turn blue, indicating it is selected.
  • Press the clockwise or counter-clockwise buttons at the top of the Edit window (shown below). With each tap, the selected piece will rotate 1/8th of a turn.

But2c_RotateCCW But2c_RotateCW

There are two other ways to rotate a selected track piece:

  1. Tap a selected piece again. Notice that it rotates clockwise 1/8th of a turn. Tap once more and it rotates another increment.
  2. You can also rotate a selected piece using a two-finger touch-and-rotate gesture (either clockwise or counter-clockwise).


To Delete a Track Piece


  • Select a track piece. Only one track piece can be selected at a time.
  • Tap the “Del” button (shown below). It can be found at the top center-right of the Edit screen.


To Exit Edit mode and Save Your Work


  • To complete any Edit screen operation and save your changes, tap the Save button shown below. You’ll find it on the upper-right portion of the screen.


To Exit Edit mode Without Saving Changes


  • To terminate any Edit screen operation and discard all changes, tap the Cancel button shown below. You’ll find it on the upper-right portion of the screen.



The Track Pieces Dock

In order to add new track pieces, accessory or control switches to a custom control panel, you’ll need to first open the Track Pieces Dock.

To open the Track Pieces Dock


  • From an operating screen, tap the Edit Button
  • From the edit screen, tap the Track pieces Dock open button. It’s the orange circle near the lower right corner of the edit screen.

track pieces dock 1

  • The dock will appear. You’ll see a number of pieces, but there are more hidden from view!

track pieces dock 2

  • Tapping on the white triangle at either end of the dock will scroll it to reveal additional track pieces.


When the LCS App launches, you’ll land on a custom control panel in Operating mode. The first time you use LCS App, you’ll need to create that custom control panel using the EDIT Screen. Then return to the OPERATING Screen and run your layout.

To learn to switch from one Custom Control Panel to another, click here.
To learn to pan and zoom within a single Custom Control Panel, click here.

Elements of the Operating Screen are shown below:

OPERATING Screen main callouts
Operating Screen LCS App

Roster, Edit, WiFi

At the top right of the operating screen, you’ll see the buttons shown above. ROSTER and EDIT buttons switch you from OPERATING to those two respective screens. The third button shows your WiFi status and is especially important. The WiFi button glows green when connected to the LCS WiFi module on your layout. A broken red “link” icon indicates your iPad is not connected to the required LCS WiFi module.

WIth a “red” link, you can still create and edit custom control panels, but you won’t be able to control your layout.

Finally, the “i” button opens this help window. You can navigate the help system using the content outline on the column to the left. A “back” button also appears when you jump directly to a new help screen. Exit help at any time by again tapping the “Done” button.


Navigating between Custom Control Panels

You may create a number of different Custom Control Panels. When in the Operating Screen, a single finger touch and drag will allow you to navigate between different panels in sequence.

To learn to Pan and Zoom within a single Custom Control Panel, click here.

Navigating Control Panels


Panning and Zooming the Display

In the conceptual illustration below, you can see a layout which is too large to view on a single screen--both ends of the main loop extend beyond the visible area of the Custom Control Panel. You can use Panning and/or Zooming to view, edit and operate a layout which is larger than the default size of a Custom Control Panel.
Pan Conceptual
“Panning” the screen allows you to slide it back and forth to reveal a parts of a Custom Control Panel that cannot fit on single screen. Panning is also helpful when creating a track layout. If you find you have been working too close to an edge and can’t fit the track in the available space, simply pan the entire layout to give yourself more working room. The size of each element does not change when the display is panned. Panning is available on both the Edit and Operating screen.

“Zooming” the screen allows you to change magnification of a Custom Control Panel. Zooming is available in Operating Mode, but not editing mode. Zooming makes each element larger or smaller and in so doing, hides or reveals parts of the Custom Control Panel. You can operate a Custom Control panel while zoomed in or out.

Panning and zooming both use a “two finger swipe.”

To Pan the DIsplay:


  • Touch two fingers and hold them still a moment. It’s best to touch in a blank spot, so you don’t accidentally select something. The yellow dots below represent the touch of your two fingers.

ZoomPan 1

  • Swipe/drag while taking care not to lift your fingers from the screen:

ZoomPan 2

  • Notice that the screen moves “with” your fingers, as shown below.

ZoomPan 3

  • When you are done, lift your two fingers away from the screen.

Note: Pan changes made in the Edit screen may be Saved.

To Zoom the DIsplay “Out”:


  • Touch two fingers and hold them still a moment. It’s best to touch in a blank spot, so you don’t accidentally select something.
  • Using a “pinch close” gesture, moving your fingers towards each other while taking care not to lift them from the screen.

ZoomPan 4

  • Notice that the screen zooms out following your finger motion, as shown below.

ZoomPan 5

  • When you are done, lift your two fingers away from the screen.

To zoom the display “in,” repeat the above steps but reverse the gesture (make a “pinch open” gesture) so that you move your fingers away from each other, again while taking care not to lift them from the screen.

To return to the original stored zoom and pan setting:

  • Double-tap a finger on the background portion of the view.

The Roster Screen

In order to make full use of the Roster Screen, your layout must include a Legacy Command Base.


Clicking on the Roster button (visible while in Operating Mode) opens that screen. To leave the Roster Screen, tap the “Track View” button in the upper left corner of the screen.

When you open the roster, data for every engine stored in your Legacy Base is copied to the LCS App and displayed. This info includes the type of locomotive, its road name, number, control type and CAB2 touch-screen icon settings.

Roster view simple

Your Roster display will list engines currently stored in your Legacy Command Base. Engines can be sorted By “Loco Class” as shown above, or you can tap the “By TMCC ID” button on the lower-right of the screen to sort numerically by ID. In either case, touching an item from the list brings up a detailed view of that item. In this Engine Detail screen, you can add your own photo, change road name or number and modify other engine options. Before you do this, please read the following section.

Permanently Saving Changes to your Legacy Base

A change made within the LCS App is not automatically written to your Legacy Command Base. In order for your changes to be reflected on all other CAB2 remotes and LCS-compatible devices, You must direct LCS App to save these changes to the currently connected Legacy Command Base.

The “Upload” button modifies the information in your command base to match what you see on the LCS App Roster screen. In addition, if you leave the Roster by hitting “Track View” with unsaved changes, you’ll get a warning message:

Stored Data Changed-Save to base

Choose YES to permanently save your changes in the connected Legacy Command Base. Choose NO to discard changes, leading the info in the command base unchanged.

Protecting Your Legacy Command Base information

It is strongly recommended that you download Lionel’s free Windows software program “Legacy System Utility” (LSU) from Use LCS to create a backup of your Legacy Command Base’s information before you or any other operator on your layout begins experimenting with changing the engine roster. In particular, clearing engine records followed by the “Upload” button will permanently remove information in your Command Base. This would affect not just your copy of LCS App, but each and every CAB2 in use on the layout. These deletions are not “undo-able.” Using LSU to make occasional backups of your Command Base is the best way to protect against this sort of mishap by you—or by other operators on your layout!

Use the navigation column to the left, or click one of the help topics below to learn more about the Roster Screen


WiFi Connection

LCS App must be connected to an LCS WiFi module to operate your layout. If this connection is not made, you’ll see a red “broken link” icon, like this:


First, your iPad must be connected to the wireless network created by your Lionel LCS WiFi module.

  • Go to your iPad’s Settings App and choose view your current General settings.
  • Click on Network.
  • Under WiFi, be sure you are connected to the network that includes the LCS WiFi module. If your LCS WiFi Access Point/Join Network switch is set to “Access Point,” choose the network name beginning with “Lionel LCS - xxxx.” (Access Point gives the best performance and is preferred.) If your LCS WiFi is in “Join Network” position, connect to the network name of your home or club wireless network.
  • Once the correct wireless network has been selected, return to LCS App
  • Tap “Retry” if asked, or tap the red link icon.

NOTE: If your WiFi network is very busy or slow for some reason, you can change the speed at which LCS App expects commands. See here for more information.

Once you’ve got a connection to the LCS WiFi/ command base, the red link will go green, as shown here:


Staying Connected

If your iPad goes to sleep, you may find it loses the connection to this network upon waking. This is because the iPad will often default to a previously used Network when it wakes up. You can avoid this by keeping your iPad awake (see Settings) or by manually re-connecting to the LCS WiFi’s network, following the steps above.

For additional installation and connection information, consult the LCS WiFi documentation.


To Modify LCS App Settings

  • Go to the home screen if your iPad.
  • Tap the Setting Control Panel icon.


  • In the narrow left-hand column, scroll down until you see Lionel LCS in the list of installed applications
  • Touch Lionel LCS to view it’s Settings.

Settings 2

  • The App version and revision date are informational and cannot be changed.
  • Command Receive Speed (see below) may be adjusted.

Settings command speed

Command Receive Speed refers to LCS App’s communication with your Wireless Network and the LCS WiFi module. In most cases, the default setting of 0.5 seconds is appropriate. However, you may experiment with slower values if you suspect your wireless network is especially slow or busy. This is more likely in cases where the LCS WiFi has been set to “Join to Network” mode. See your LCS WiFi manual for additional information.


Track Switch (aka Turnout) Setup

This help page will teach you to add a Track Switch icon that operates a TMCC command controlled switch on your layout. There are four different track switch icons; left-hand and right-hand switches with 45-degree and 22.5 degree curve radiuses. LCS App is not intended to be a track planning tool. Use the elements provided to create a symbolic, rather than literal representation of your layout.

45 degree Track Switches:
Switch_O36R_CL Switch_O36L_CL

22.5 degree Track Switches:
Switch_O72R_CL Switch_O72L_CL


You will need a working TMCC command controlled switch or a switch controller like an ASC installed on your layout to successfully complete this operation. You’ll also need the TMCC ID of your TMCC command controlled switch. Refer to its owner’s guide if you need additional help.Hint: Make sure you can control the track switch from your Lionel CAB remote before you try to run it from LCS App.

If your LCS installation includes an ASC2 module, place one or more track switch icons onto a Custom Control Panel following the instructions below, then click here for additional ASC2-specific configuration information.

  • From the Operating Screen, swipe left or right until the desired custom control panel is in view
  • Tap the EDIT button


To place and configure a Track Switch icon


  • Open the Track Pieces dock and select one of the Track Switch icons, scrolling to reveal them if necessary.
  • Drag it to the desired position on the custom control panel as shown below.

Edit switch 1

  • Release your touch. The switch is placed and remains selected. Notice that the Track Piece Settings have changed to show the TMCC ID of the selected Switch. By default, a newly placed object is assigned TMCC ID #1.

Edit switch 2

  • To complete this operation, tap the Save button on the upper-right portion of the screen.

If your LCS installation includes an ASC2 module, click here for additional ASC2-specific configuration information.

Your Track Switch icon is configured and ready for use! Simply tap a switch while in the Operating screen to operate it.

Track Switch (aka “Turnout”) Operation

This help page will teach you to operate a Turnout icon that operates a track switch on your layout.


Remember that switch icons must have been properly configured before you can run them from LCS App! Next, navigate to your desired custom control panel. Track switch icons show their last commanded position using a green line or red line as shown below:

Above is a narrow-radius switch in the “out” position.

And here’s a wide-radius switch in the “thru” position.

To Operate your Track Switch icon


  • From the Operating Screen, swipe left or right until the desired custom control panel is in view.
  • Tap any visible Track Switch icon.
  • The icon, as well as the corresponding physical Track Switch on your layout will toggle between thru and out on each subsequent tap.

If the corresponding Track Switch on your layout does not operate after two taps, re-check your WiFi configuration and the Track Switch Icon configuration.

Note that it is possible for the displayed position of a Track Switch and its current physical location to get out of sync. This can happen when a non-derailing switch throws itself when a train enters from a reverse direction. Switches can also be thrown manually. To re-synchronize the physical position and the on-screen icon, just tap the Track Switch icon twice.


ASC2 Setup

This help page will teach you to configure an LCS ASC2 module from within the LCS App. If you have already configured your ASC2 using your Lionel CAB remote, this is an optional step. You will need a working ASC2 and one or more remote operating switches to successfully complete this operation. One ASC2 can control EITHER quick-throwing switches like Lionel FasTrack, OR slow-moving, Tortoise Switch Machines. Refer to your owner’s guides for more information.

ASC2 Composite 1a

One ASC2 can operate up to four track switches. These four switches will have four consecutive TMCC IDs. The lowest numbered ID is called the ASC2’s “base address,” and this corresponds to the first connected switch. Each subsequent switch has the next-higher ID number. Remember this important point when mapping track switch icons in a Custom Control Panel to your ASC2.

ASC2 Composite 1b

Example 1: Setting The First Switch ID

Setting the first switch ID also sets the base address of the ASC2. To configure the first switch connected to an ASC2:

  • Press the Program/PGM button on your ASC2 until the red LED begins blinking.
  • Select a track switch in the currently open Custom Control Panel.
  • Touch the Gear/Info button.

ASC2 config 1 gear

  • The switch configuration panel appears. The first time you configure a switch it defaults to basic TMCC operation, and looks like this:

ASC2 TMCC dialog

  • The TMCC option lets you revert to basic operation for the selected switch icon. But we’re configuring it for ASC2, so…
  • Touch the TMCC CAB Remote image with one finger and swipe from right to left. The ASC2 configuration panel slides into view.

ASC2 config 4 ID 001

  • Choose the ASC2 TMCC ID/Base Address using the large three digit display.
  • Tap each digit to set your desired TMCC ID.
  • Press the “Set ASC2 ID” button.
  • The blinking red LED on the ASC2 will turn off and the operation is complete.


Example 2: Setting Four Switch IDs

This example shows setting of the first switch ID (this time to ID 40), then shows the setting of three additional switches.

To configure an ASC2 with four track switches:

  • Press the Program/PGM button on your ASC2 until the red LED begins blinking.
  • Select the switch icon representing the first track switch connected to the ASC2.
  • Touch the Gear/Info icon to open the ASC2 configuration panel.

ASC2 Composite 2

  • Choose the base address by tapping the digits, then press the “Set ASC2 ID” button.
  • The blinking red LED on the ASC2 will turn off and the base address is set.
  • Select the next switch icon.
  • Tap the Gear/Info button.
  • Swipe to reveal the ASC2 Configuration panel.
  • Assign it the next consecutive TMCC ID number.
  • Repeat for the remaining switches.

ASC2 Composite 3

  • Do not press the Set ASC2 ID button when setting ID’s for switches two through four. Doing so will generate an error message, as the ASC2 is not in Program mode.


Momentary vs. Latching Switch Type

The ASC2 can control quick-throwing switches like Lionel FasTrack, or slow-moving, Tortoise Switch machines. It is absolutely necessary that ALL FOUR SWITCHES connected to one ASC2 are of the same type! The ASC2 “Latching” mode is ONLY for use with Tortoise switch machines. Using Latching mode on FasTrack switches can cause permanent damage to the switch! Refer to your owner’s guide for more information.
ASC2 config TYPE button
To configure an ASC2 for Tortoise Switch machine operation:

  • During the programming process for the first connected switch (see above) tap the double-triangle “Type” button.
  • The Type will change to “Latched” and a warning will be displayed. Remember, selecting Latched mode on a FasTrack switch can cause permanent damage to the switch mechanism! The Type setting applies to ALL FOUR SWITCHES connected to this ASC2, not just the one switch selected in your custom control panel. See your ASC2 Owner’s Manual for details.
  • Click OK if you’re confident that ALL FOUR SWITCHES connected to this ASC2 are Tortoise.
  • Press the “Set ASC2 ID” button.
  • The blinking red LED on the ASC2 will turn off and the operation is complete.


Switch ID’s above 99

The ASC2 may be configured to operate momentary or latching switches with addresses from 0-99 using your Lionel CAB remote. However, using LCS App, you can program the ASC2 to use TMCC IDs up to 250. This is an obvious benefit for layouts with more than 99 switches. However, note that Lionel CAB remotes are only able to address switch IDs up to 99. Therefore, setting an ASC2 TMCC ID/Base Address higher than 99 means only the LCS App (and future LCS-aware software) will be able to operate those switches.

ASC2 config 4 ID 201


Uncoupling Track Setup

This help page will teach you to add an Uncoupling Track icon that operates an LCS ASC2 or other Uncoupling Track Controller on your layout.

The uncoupling icon is a half-length straight piece, as shown below:



You will need a working Uncoupling Track Controller such as an LCS ASC2 installed on your layout to successfully complete this operation. You need to know the TMCC ID of your Uncoupling Track Controller. The LCS ASC2 uses a single “Base” TMCC ID for all connected uncoupling tracks plus a “sub-address” (numbered from 1-8) to uniquely identify. If your physical track piece is attached to relay #3 on your ASC2, its sub-address will also be 3. Refer to the ASC2 owner’s guide for additional information.

Hint: Make sure you can control the uncoupling track from your Lionel CAB remote before you try to run it from LCS App.

To place and configure an Uncoupling Track icon


  • From the Operating Screen, swipe left or right until the desired custom control panel is in view
  • Tap the EDIT button
  • Open the Track Pieces dock and select the Uncoupling Track icon, scrolling across as necessary.
  • Drag the Uncoupling Track icon to the desired position on the custom control panel and release:

Uncouple 1

  • It will be selected, showing the default Base TMCC ID 1:

Uncouple 2

  • Change the Base TMCC ID (“2” in this example), then hit the Gear/Config icon to set the sub-address.

Uncouple 3

  • The Gear button brings up the sub-address setting. Tap the digit to set the value from 1 to 8.

Uncoupling ID2 sub Add

  • To complete this operation, tap the Save button on the upper-right portion of the screen.

Your newly added uncoupling track icon is configured to base address 2, subaddress 1. It is ready for use! Simply tap a uncoupling track while in the Operating screen to operate it.

Uncoupling Track Operation

This help page will teach you to operate an Uncoupling Track icon that operates a physical uncoupling track section on your layout.


Remember that your uncoupling track icons must have been properly configured before you can run them from LCS App!

To Operate an Uncoupling Track icon


  • From the Operating Screen, swipe left or right until the desired custom control panel is in view. An Uncoupling Track icon is shown below:
  • uncoupling 3 operation 1
  • Tap any visible Uncoupling Track icon. The center section of the track will momentarily turn red and a sound will play.

uncoupling 4 operation 2

If the corresponding Uncoupling Track section on your layout does not operate, re-check your WiFi configuration and the Uncoupling Track Icon configuration.

Block Power Operation

This help page will teach you to operate a Block Power (bulb) icon that controls a relay on a device like an LCS BPC2.


Remember that block power icons must have been properly configured before you can run them from LCS App!

To Operate a Block Power icon


  • From the Operating Screen, swipe left or right until the desired custom control panel is in view. A Block Power icon is shown below:

BlockPower Op ON

  • Tap any visible Block Power (bulb) icon. The bulb will dim, as will any associated track pieces. The corresponding relay in your LCS BPC2 or other device will switch off.
  • BlockPower Op OFF
  • Tap it again to restore power to that track section.

If the corresponding section on your layout does not operate, re-check your WiFi configuration and your Block Power Setup.

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