Lionel Tinplate O Scale Model Trains - Traditional & Modern Options

Lionel Tinplate O Scale Trains
Traditional or 21st-Century Electronics Lionel Corporation offers you the choice of enjoying tinplate t rains that perform just like new toys of eighty years ago, or updated with modern features and technology. Most of our locomotives are off ered in both Traditional and Proto-Sound ® 2.0 or 3.0 configurations. Traditional versions don ’ t just look like the pre-war originals; they operate like them, too. Traditional locomotives feature open-fr ame AC motors and mechanical E-units (reverse units) for operators who want to recreate the full tinplate experience — complete with b uzz - ing E-units, growling motors, and the smell of ozone in the air ! Proto-Sound versions feature the same accurate, nostalgic appear- ance on the outside but 21st-Century technology inside. Proto